teresita and i want a makeover!!!! actually, we want the cash, clothes and whatever else the networks are willing to throw at loser girls who don't give a shit about tv and who sees them but really, really, just want a new wardrobe.
we were watching "what not to wear" (us ed.) a couple weeks ago, and a girl named turbo was on. we didn't think that she look all that bad to begin with--her biggest crime seemed to be that she enjoyed socks--as she was cute, wore stripey tops and anoraks; very indie 'i ? wilco' girl. anyway, her 'after' look was alright, but we both thought it was a little boring. nick arrojo is a geeeeeenius, but the haircut he gave her is the haircut i'm trying to get away from--it works well, but nen, >yawn< already. teresita and i both felt they took her edginess away.
i guess what it really means is that we identified with turbo, we dress sort of like her, and damn! if we're gonna go through the humiliation of tv, we better look a heckuva lot smarter than that!
personally, i'm gunning for queer eye for a straight girl (yes, girl). baby needs a new living room suite! if anyone wants to nominate me (pleeeeeeeease), click here.

trinny and susanna, still the dominatrices of style....
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